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Kiss Yourself Goodbye

Tony Fennelly: Kiss Yourself Goodbye (USA 2003)

From the Publisher:
Gay New Orleans aristocrat, Matt Sinclair, tries to solve a murder case while his boyfriend, Robin, demands a commitment ceremony.

Matt Sinclair, the gay scion of an old New Orleans family must clear his cousin Sylvia of murder. One Rodger Lloyd, Sylvia's ex-lover, and the sire of one of her sons was murdered in his hotel room. Lloyd's "dying message" seems to accuse Sylvia herself, as his last act was to open a book of Audubon prints to a picture of a Garden Warbler, "Sylvia Borin". Meanwhile, Matt's young live-in boy friend, Robin, is demanding that Matt prove his love by participating in a "Commitment Ceremony" at the Metropolitan Community Church.

Tony Fennelly: Kiss Yourself Goodbye. iUniverse, ISBN: 0595289738 (July, 2003), 216 p., $18.95.






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