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A Whisper to the Living

Stuart Kaminsky: A Whisper to the Living (USA 2010)

From the Publisher:
A Whisper to the Living continues the adventures (some would say trials and tribulations) of Inspector Porfiry Petrovich Rostnikov, an honest policeman in a very dishonest post-Soviet Union. Rostnikov is one of the most engaging and relevant characters in crime fiction, a sharp and caring policeman as well as the perfect tour guide to a changing Russia.

Rostnikov and his team are searching for a serial killer who has claimed at least 40 victims. And then there is the problem of protecting a visiting British journalist who is working on a story about a Moscow prostitution ring... and in doing so Rostnikov and his team uncover a chain of murders that lead to a source too high to be held accountable if the police want to keep their jobs

Or their lives.

Stuart M. Kaminsky: A Whisper to the Living. An Inspector Porfiry Petrovich Mystery. Forge Books, ISBN: 9780765318886 (January, 2010), 256 p., $23.99.






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