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Anne Wingate: Scene of the Crime

Scene of the Crime From the Publisher:
Can you trace a criminal's blood-type from one of his cigar stubs? Will measuring the length of a stride also paint an accurate picture of height and weight? Is it possible to identify a thief by his ear print? The evidence found at the scene of a crime -- from latent fingerprints to bloodstains -- is the lifeblood of your mystery novel or detective story. This book provides accurate, up-to-date details (including drawings!) of criminal investigations and police work not easily accessible to the layperson. And because technical terms are decoded, you have a rich resource for dialogue. Visit the scene of a crime in the footsteps of seasoned investigators to find out: Who arrives first? What are police looking for -- and how? How long will the investigation take and what happens to the crime scene once the investigation is over? Even the most innocent item can speak volumes to a laboratory technician or forensic pathologist. So you'll follow the evidence to the crime lab where you'll see what can and cannot be determined -- and how evidence is identified, handled, and analyzed. The recent popularity of real-life crime shows on TV has made readers more savvy than ever. This book will help you keep them guessing about what will happen next -- not wondering why all the evidence doesn't add up.

Anne Wingate: Scene of the Crime. A Writer's Guide to Crime-Scene Investigations. F & W Publications; ISBN: 0898795184 (August, 1992), 240 p., $16.99



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