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Ed McBain: Snow White and Rose Red

Snow White and Rose Red From the Publisher:
Matthew Hope believed Sarah Whittaker was sane. He believed her claims that her mother and two well-paid psychiatrists had schemed to commit her, and that the reason was money. But when Hope set out to have Sarah released, he didn't know that the decayed body of a once beoutiful girl was being fished from the Sawgrass River. And he didn't know about the girl's life and times as a stripper, or the secret payments she got from Connecticut. For Matthew Hope, attorney, it would take a dizzying tour through a world of topless dancers, call girls, and sexual psychosis to come up against an astounding link between the dead girl and blond vivacious Sarah Whittaker -- who was either a real-life sleeping beauty or a time bomb waiting to go off...

Ed McBain: Snow White and Rose Red. Warner Books, ISBN: 0446601330 (May, 1994), $5.99


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