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Ed McBain: Eighty Million Eyes

Eighty Million Eyes From the Publisher:
In this city murder happens every day. Sometimes it's passion. Sometimes it's a cold-blooded hit. For the men of the 87th Precinct, it's a job you've got to do right, because the whole world is watching... Eighty Million Eyes

Eighty million eyes can't be wrong. Or can they? The man on the television died right there for everyone to see. But Stan Gifford was killed by a poison that acts within seconds, and Gifford was doing his act on camera for seven and a half minutes before he went into convulsions. In the show business world detectives Meyer and Carella meet liars, cheaters, egomaniacs - everything except a suspect - until the two cops hit on the right chemistry for murder at prime time...

Ed McBain: Eighty Million Eyes. 87th Precinct. Warner Books, ISBN: 0446603864 (March, 1997), 208 p., $5.99



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