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Ed McBain: Candyland

Candyland From the Publisher:
Candyland merges the bestselling talents of the acclaimed author known as both Evan Hunter and Ed McBain.

Candyland begins in classic Evan Hunter style....Alone in New York City on business, Benjamin Thorpe spends his empty nights on a compulsive quest for female companionship. His dizzying descent leads to a confrontation in a midtown bordello and a searing self-revelation.

And suddenly we are in Ed McBain territory... Emma Boyle of the Special Victims Unit investigates a young prostitute's murder. As the foggy events of the night in question come into focus, Benjamin Thorpe becomes a viable suspect. The excruciating suspense is total McBain -- and the combined impact of Candyland is unforgettable.

Ed McBain: Candyland. A Novel inTwo Parts. Pocket Books, ISBN: 0743419049 (September, 2001), 304 p., $7.99



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