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Defend and Betray

Anne Perry: Defend and Betray (USA 2009)

From the Publisher:
After a brilliant military career, esteemed General Thaddeus Carlyon finally meets his death, not in the frenzy of battle but at an elegant London dinner party. His demise appears to be the result of a freak accident, but the general's beautiful wife, Alexandra, readily confesses that she killed him -- a story she clings to even under the threat of the noose.

Investigator William Monk, nurse Hester Latterly, and brilliant Oliver Rathbone, counsel for the defense, work feverishly to break down the wall of silence raised by the accused and her husband's proud family. With the trial only days away, these there sleuths inch toward the dark and appalling heart of the mystery.

Anne Perry: Defend and Betray. A William Monk Novel. Randomhouse Publishing Group, ISBN: 9780345513960 (May, 2009), 464 p., $15.00.







Defend and Betray

Anne Perry: Defend and Betray (USA 1993)

From the Publisher:
Although esteemed General Thaddeus Carlyon meets his death in a freak accident at home, his beautiful wife, Alexandra, confesses that she killed him. Investigator William Monk, nurse Hester Latterly, and the brilliant Oliver Rathbone, counsel for the defense, work feverishly to break down the wall of silence raised by the accused and her husband's proud family. With the trial only days away, they inch toward the dark and appalling heart of the mystery. The final act is a courtroom masterpiece, through which we dare not breathe too deeply, lest the precarious balance of a woman's life be lost...

Anne Perry: Defend and Betray. Ivy Books, ISBN: 080411188X (October, 1993), $7.50.






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