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Edna Buchanan: The Ice Maiden

The Ice Maiden From the Publisher:
Fourteen years ago, two teenagers on a Christmas Eve first date were abducted, and only one lived through the ordeal. The lone surviving victim, Sunny Hartley, became a wealthy sculptor, but the reclusive "ice maiden" will not talk about what happened that terrible night. Now a chance encounter in the Miami morgue between reporter Britt Montero and a petty thief, bizarrely electrocuted during the commission of a crime, has placed the still unsolved kidnapping/murder on the front burner of Sgt. Craig Burch's Cold Case Squad. But Britt and Burch are about to discover that the price of justice can be too dear to pay; that when you start turning over rocks, sometimes something truly ugly slithers out.

"A powerhouse plot fueled by keen sensitivity to the devastation unsolved crimes can wreak: a standout in this irresistible series." Kirkus Reviews

Edna Buchanan: The Ice Maiden. A Britt Montero Mystery. Avon Books, ISBN: 0380728346 (December, 2003), 320 p., $7.50



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