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Deep Waters

Kate Charles: Deep Waters (UK 2012)

From the Publisher:
If Callie Anson thought life was going to be peaceful, she was dead wrong. After one particular stormy night, her flat is deemed unliveable and she finds herself moving in with the vicar, Brian Stanford, and his wife Jane; a woman who can barely hide her dislike of the woman curate.

But it is soon to get a lot worse before it gets better, as both Callie's policeman boyfriend Marco Lombardi and his colleague Neville Stewart are thrust into a case involving the death of a two-month old baby girl. The daughter of Jodie and Chazz Betts, two celebrities who have made it big on 'twenty-four, seven', a hit reality TV show are implicated.

Family is on everyone's mind, as Callie is called in to help with the baby girl's funeral. But she learns that tragedy can strike again, and in unusual places. Joe, Marco's brother-in-law, has a sudden heart attack, with enough complications to make it fatal, and the family is gripped with anger and grief. And when they find the death was no accident, Marco is left to determine the truth behind his murder.

Kate Charles: Deep Waters. Allison & Busby, ISBN: 9780749011086 (April, 2012), eBook, 0.35 MB (ca. 336 p.), £6.99.



Deep Waters

Kate Charles: Deep Waters (USA 2009)

From the Publisher:
In a culture obsessed with celebrity, baby Muffin's death is big news. Crib death? Or something more sinister? Everyone wants to know, including the police.

Whatever the truth, the bereaved parents -- celebrity couple Jodee and Chazz -- live in curate Callie Anson's London parish, and Callie becomes involved with funeral arrangements, despite the disapproval of her vicar and his wife.

Detective Inspector Neville Stewart is recalled from his honeymoon to investigate the case -- with disastrous personal results. And journalist Lilith Noone's professional future is on the line, as she is sucked more and more deeply into her own flirtation with celebrity culture.

Meanwhile, for police family liaison officer Mark Lombardi, the death of baby Muffin is eclipsed by another death, much closer to home, and he finds himself in an impossible position, torn between his loyalty to his family and his growing love for Callie.

Kate Charles: Deep Waters. Poisoned Pen Press; ISBN: 9781590586020 (March, 2009), 236 p., $24.95.



Deep Waters

Kate Charles: Deep Waters (UK 2009)

From the Publisher:
If Callie Anson thought life was going to be peaceful, she was dead wrong. After one particular stormy night, her flat is deemed unliveable and she finds herself moving in with the vicar, Brian Stanford, and his wife Jane; a woman who can barely hide her dislike of the woman curate.

But it is soon to get a lot worse before it gets better, as both Callie's policeman boyfriend Marco Lombardi and his colleague Neville Stewart are thrust into a case involving the death of a two-month old baby girl. The daughter of Jodie and Chazz Betts, two celebrities who have made it big on 'twenty-four, seven', a hit reality TV show are implicated.

Family is on everyone's mind, as Callie is called in to help with the baby girl's funeral. But she learns that tragedy can strike again, and in unusual places. Joe, Marco's brother-in-law, has a sudden heart attack, with enough complications to make it fatal, and the family is gripped with anger and grief. And when they find the death was no accident, Marco is left to determine the truth behind his murder.

Kate Charles: Deep Waters. Allison & Busby, ISBN: 9780749007102 (March, 2009), 336 p., £19.99.


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