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Robin Cook: Fatal Cure

Fatal Cure From the Publisher:
Public health care is one of the most important issues in America today. Now Robin Cook, the bestselling master of medical suspense, confronts this controversial subject with an all-too-possible scenario as powerful - and terrifying - as his groundbreaking blockbuster, Coma...

With its state-of-the-art facility and peaceful Vermont setting, the Bartlet Community Hospital seemed like a dream come true. It offered doctors David and Angela Wilson new career opportunities, a chance to work within an enlightened system of "Managed care" - and a perfect place to raise their daughter, who suffered from cystic fibrosis. But then, one by one, their dreams turned to nightmares. And day by day, their patients began to die...

Robin Cook: Fatal Cure. Berkley Publishing Group; ISBN: 0425145638 (July, 1997), 464 p., $7.99.



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