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Barbara D'Amato: Hard Tack

Hard Tack From the Publisher
Cat Marsala hates boats and water - but she will go almost anywhere for a good story. When millionaire furniture manufacturer Will Honeywell and his sleekly attractive wife, Belinda, invite Cat aboard their luxury yacht, she reluctantly obliges. But Cat is soon searching for a killer when one of the Honeywells' high-profile guests is found murdered.

"Cat Marsala, who scored well on her first time around, proves her mettle on her second appearance... Cat needs shrewdness and courage to solve the crime, and she has these in good measure. But her sense of humor and naturalness are what will win readers' hearts." (Publishers Weekly)

Barbara D'Amato: Hard Tack. Scribner's, ISBN: 0684192993 (October, 1991), 229 p., $18.95


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