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Barbara D'Amato: Hard Case

Hard Case From the Publisher
Chicago freelance journalist Cat Marsala is back, this time investigating the life-and-death drama of a big city trauma center. Dr. Hannah Grant, director of the center, had graciously welcomed Cat, so it's a particular shock when Dr. Grant is found murdered in the staff lounge, a gauze pad stuffed down her throat. Because the unit is isolated from the rest of the hospital complex, Cat knows one of the staff must be the killer. When Cat finally discovers the trauma center's darkest secret, she must fight for her own life, stalked through the hospital kitchens by a desperate killer.

"A riveting read that will please current Cat lovers and attract new fans for this entertaining series." (Booklist)

Barbara D'Amato: Hard Case. Scribner's, ISBN: 0684196867 (September, 1994), 258 p., $20.00


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