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Barbara D'Amato: Good Cop, Bad Cop

Good Cop, Bad Cop From the Publisher
Chicago Police Superintendent Nick Bertolucci is a tough top cop. But he has a dangerous enemy on the force: his brother Aldo. A beat cop, dumped back into uniform twice for screwing up on the job, Aldo is eaten up by jealousy and resentment of Nick's success and makes it his business to ruin Nick's career. Also gets his chance when suppressed records turn up concerning an illegal raid on a Black Panther household back in 1969. Several Panthers were shot in cold blood by police officers and the incident exploded into the biggest scandal the Chicago Police Department ever faced. When Aldo decides to try to connect his brother to the scandal, his scheme threatens to collapse the Chicago Police Department, and his own family, from the inside out.

Barbara D'Amato: Good Cop, Bad Cop. St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 0812590147 (July, 1999), 304 p., $6.99


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