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Barbara D'Amato: Help Me Please

Help Me Please From the Publisher
An hour and a half after three-year-old Danielle Gaston is kidnapped, a new site pops up on the World Wide Web - featuring Danielle Gaston. She's isolated in a room with no food and only water to drink. This live-action Web page is available to all net users around the world and is soon rebroadcast on CNN and other television networks. Since Danielle is the only child of a popular country and western singer and a senator, her case is a high profile one - and likely to end in heartbreak. Unless Deputy Chief of Detectives Polly Kelly can crack the case before the child is harmed.

Barbara D'Amato: Help Me Please. Forge, ISBN: 0812590155 (January, 2001), 352 p., $6.99



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