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Time to Depart

Lindsey Davis: Time to Depart (UK 2008)

From the Publisher:
Evil sent into exile - but crime never goes away...
'I still can't believe I've put the bastard away for good!' Petro muttered. Petronius Longus, captain of the Aventine watch and Falco's oldest friend, has finally nailed on of Rome's top criminals. Under Roman law citizens are not imprisoned but are allowed 'time to depart' into exile outside the Empire. One dark and gloomy dawn Petro and Falcoput the evit Balbinus aboard ship.

But soon after, an outbreak of robbery and murder suggest a new criminal ring has moved into Balbinus' territory. Petro and Falco must descend into the underworld of Vespasian's Rome to investigate...

Lindsey Davis: Time to Depart. A Marcus Didius Falco Novel. Arrow, ISBN: 9780099515135 (August, 2008), 384 p., £7.99.







Time to Depart

Lindsey Davis: Time to Depart (USA 1998)

From the Publisher:
Balbinus Pius, the most notorious gangster in Emperor Vespasian's Rome, has been convicted of a capital crime at last. A quirk of Roman law, however, allows citizens condemned to death "time to depart" and find exile outside the empire. Now as every hoodlum in Rome scrambles to take over Balbinus' operations, private eye Marcus Didius Falco has to deal with an unprecedented wave of crime--and the sneaking suspicion that Balbinus' exile may not really be so permanent after all.

Lindsey Davis: Time to Depart. A Marcus Didius Falco Novel. Warner Books, ISBN: 0446605913 (January, 1998), 396 p., $6.50.







Time to Depart

Lindsey Davis: Time to Depart (UK 1996)

From the Publisher:
'I still can't believe I've put the bastard away for good!' Petro muttered. Petro Longus, captain of the Aventine watch, and Falco's oldest friend, has finally nailed one of Rome's top criminals.But under Roman law citizens cannot be imprisioned;instead they are allowed 'time to depart' from the Empire to go into permanent exile. One dark and gloomy dawn, Falco and Petro put the evil Balbinus aboard ship at the port of Ostia, thinking what it is the last they will ever hear of him. But soon the corpses start appearing:one of Petro's men who went with Balbinus is washed ashore dead and the informer who finally nailed the criminal is killed soon afterwards. It is obvious that Balbinus has returned and that, once more he is running his criminal organisation. Petro and Falco must descend into the underworld of Vespasian's Rome to get their man.

Lindsey Davis: Time to Depart. Arrow, ISBN: 0099338815 (June, 1996), 367 p., £5.99.






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