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Final Notice

Joe Gores: Final Notice (USA 1992)

From the Publisher:
The bank gave Chandra the dancer her final notice; Daniel Kearny Associates took her red Caddy, and then the trouble started. In a comic book in the car the DKA men found five crisp $100 bills. Suddenly the bank wanted to give the Caddy back, and Dan Kearny smelled a crime. Putting a tail on Chandra led the DKA team to a mobster, a former porn star, and the wrong side of a blackmail payoff. Now a simple repo was turning into an investigation into a killing. And at the end of the trail waited an underworld shark with a deadly grin -- the kind of man who played murderous games, and played them to win...

Joe Gores: Final Notice. A DKA File Novel. Mysterious Press, ISBN: 0446403148 (December, 1992), 199 p., $4.99.






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