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Beneath These Stones

Ann Granger: Beneath These Stones (UK 2010)

From the Publisher:
Twelve-year-old Tammy Franklin has learned too much about death, too quickly. Two years ago she lost her mother to a long, lingering illness and now the body of the woman her father married in an attempt to replace his wife has been found on a railway embankment close to the Franklin farm. This time the death is murder. As Superintendent Markby, one of the first on the scene, well knows, Tammy now stands to have her father taken from her, for Hugh Franklin is suspect number one in the mind of the inspector to whom Markby has delegated the case. But, despite his need to distance himself from the murder, Markby begins to realise that the truth is destined to be far more complex than he ever envisaged...

Ann Granger: Beneath These Stones. A Mitchell and Markby Mystery. Headline, ISBN: 9780755377268 (April, 2010), 931 KB (356 p.), £5.99.



Beneath These Stones

Ann Granger: Beneath These Stones (UK 1999)

From the Publisher:
Young Tammy Franklin has learnt too much about death, too quickly. Twenty months ago she lost her mother to a long, lingering illness and now the body of the woman her father remarried has been found in a railway embankment adjacent to the Franklin farm. And this time the death is murder - Sonia Franklin had been stabbed. As Superintendent Markby, one of the first on the scene, knows only too well, Tammy also stands to have her father taken from her. For Hugh Franklin, whose second marriage was clearly not happy and who, strangely, had failed to notify the police of his wife's disappearance, is suspect number one in the mind of Inspector Pearce, to whom Markby is determined to delegate the case. But as the investigation continues it becomes apparent that Markby cannot distance himself as much as he would like, not least because his girlfriend Meredith happens to know Tammy Franklin's teacher, Jane, who is vehemently convinced of Hugh's innocence. And because, for reasons of their own, some of the key witnesses are not quite revealing the truth, the case is destined to be far more complex than Markby ever envisaged...

Ann Granger: Beneath These Stones. Headline, ISBN: 0747256438 (December, 1999), 345 p., £6.99.


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