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Stephen Greenleaf: Toll Call

Toll Call From the Publisher:
P.I. Marsh Tanner thought he knew his secretary Peggy well. But he didn't know half as much as the phone caller, the mystery man who called Peggy at home and threatened her with mutilation if she refused to tell him her most intimate secrets and desires. And he could never have imagined that Peggy might grow to love the calls as much as she hated them. But in the treacherous, twisted days that were to follow, there was much about Peggy -- and himself -- that Marsh Tanner would wish he didn't know...

"Stephen Greeleaf's John Marshall Tanner series improves with age. Tanner [is]...altogether one of the most convincing of today's private eyes." The San Diego Union

Stephen Greenleaf: Toll Call. Ballantine Books; ISBN: 0345353498 (September, 1988), $4.99


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