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Native Rites

David Hewson: Native Rites (UK 2000)

From the Publisher:
Fabulous countryside chiller -- Hewson's most accessible, suspenseful novel yet. A young couple move to the country. The husband Miles commutes each day to the city, leaving his wife Alison to get to know the locals, many of whom are frankly not all that friendly. At weekends, Miles, oblivious to his wife's concerns, loves to be 'one of the lads' in the pub. November comes, and with it the ancient bonfire festival. Alison could have been drunk, but she feels certain that she saw something terrible happen at the fire. And her husband was involved. Paranoia? Or a murder that an entire village has conspired in?

David Hewson: Native Rites. HarperCollins, ISBN: 0006513581 (April, 2000), 444 p., £6.99.


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