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Jack Higgins: The Keys of Hell

The Keys of Hell From the Publisher:
British expatriate Paul Chavasse is about as tough as they come. For years, he has made a dangerous living running men and intelligence across the Adriatic Sea from Italy to the communist country of Albania. But his ideals are about to be tested - more than he ever thought possible.

The Albanian government, seeking to crush a religious resurgence within their borders, wants to find and destroy the Madonna of Scutari - a legendary statue of ebony and gold that has protected the faithful for a thousand years. Before government forces capture them, priests hide the carving deep in the marshes along the coast.

Now, Paul Chavasse must outrun an entire army in a race to save the priceless relic - and the lives of thousands of believers...

Jack Higgins: The Keys of Hell. Berkley Publishing Group, ISBN: 0425182681 (December, 2001), 272 p., $7.99



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