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Dear Irene

Jan Burke: Dear Irene (USA 2003)

From the Publisher:
When a strange letter signed "Thanatos" -- the ancient Greek name for death -- lands on Irene Kelly's desk, the intrepid reporter doesn't think much of it; she gets crazy mail all the time. A less cryptic message is sent when a body turns up the next morning. As more letters roll in, the death toll mounts... and Irene fears that her mysterious pen pal has cast her in his own private Greek tragedy as Cassandra, the seer whom others refused to believe. It's the killer's dream to challenge Irene to follow his ancient blueprint for murder. It's his ultimate desire to make her face the inevitable -- that she is the next to die.

Jan Burke: Dear Irene. An Irene Kelly Novel. Pocket Books, ISBN: 0743444493 (January, 2003), 308 p., $6.99.



Dear Irene

Jan Burke: Dear Irene (USA 1996)

From the Publisher:
Tenacious and daring, newspaperwoman Irene Kelly will brave any danger to track down a good story. But this time the story is stalking her.

A letter from "Thanatos" reaches Irene's desk -- a cryptic message prophesying the death of "Clio," the muse of History. But what seems a prank at first turns deadly serious when a history professor is brutally slain. And Irene soon realizes that a killer with a classical bent is using riddles to lure her into an inescapable labryrinth of terror -- where the dedicated reporter must untangle the twisted roots of a maniac's rage... or die like all the others.

Jan Burke: Dear Irene. Avon Books, ISBN: 0380725568 (February, 1996), 308 p., $5.50.


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