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John D. MacDonald: Green Ripper

Green Ripper From the Publisher:
Beautiful girls always grace the Florida beaches, strolling, sailing, relaxing at the many parties on Travis McGee's houseboat, The Busted Flush. McGee was too smart - and had been around too long - for many of them to touch his heart. Now, however, there was Gretel. She had discovered the key to McGee - to all of him - and now he had something to hope for. Then, terribly, unexpectedly, she was dead. From a mysterious illness, or so they said. But McGee knew the truth, that Gretel had been murdered. And now he was out for blood...

John D. MacDonald: Green Ripper. Fawcett Books, ISBN: 0449224813 (April, 1996), 304 p., $7.50



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