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In Waders from Mars

Joe R. Lansdale: In Waders from Mars (USA 2012)

From the Publisher:
Martian ducks inside a space ship fro Mars drilling inside the earth? What's wrong with their GPS? Ducks with plans to conquer our world with Instant Powdered Duck? Ducks wearing silver space suits and water waders? How can this be? What can stop them?

A kid named Keith, that's what. And, of course, the invader's own stupidity. Then again, what can you expect from ducks in waders? It's all revealed here, in In Waders from Mars. A picture book for younger readers with dynamic drawings and an engaging story.

Joe R. Lansdale: In Waders from Mars. Written with Keith Lansdale and Karen Lansdale. Dust jacket and interior illustrations by Doug Potter. Subterranean Press, ISBN: 9781596063167 (September, 2012), limited edition, 52 p., $35.00.


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