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The Mad Dog Summer

Joe R. Lansdale: The Mad Dog Summer and Other Stories (USA 2006)

From the Publisher:
Joe Lansdale returns with his characteristic dark take on the horrors that lurk beneath the surface of mundane life in this collection of short stories and novellas. Originally available only in limited-edition hardcover, these tales run the gamut from devilish fantasy to twisted courtroom drama to vampire-robot western. Each story has an introduction in which the author relates the background of and inspiration for the story, whether it was drawn from history, literature, or pure imagination. The title story, about a serial killer in Texas in the 1930s, won the 1999 Bram Stoker Horror Award for long fiction.

Joe R. Lansdale: The Mad Dog Summer and Other Stories. Golden Gryphon Press, ISBN: 1930846428 (October, 2006), 290 p., $14.95.


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