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Killer's Wedge

Ed McBain: Killer's Wedge (UK 2007)

From the Publisher:
Her name is death - and her name is Virginia Dodge. Virginia Dodge is determined to put a bullet through Steve Carella's brain, and she doesn't care if she has to kill all the boys in the 87th Precinct in the process.

Armed with a gun and a bottle of nitro-glycerine she spends an afternoon terrorising Lieutenant Byrnes and his men with her clever little home-made bomb. Is there anything the boys at the 87th can do to save Carella or will this crazy broad achieve her goal?

In one of the most dazzling novellas of the Precinct, Ed McBain exposes the dangerous loyalties that keep the boys of the 87th together, and threaten to tear them apart at the same time.

Ed McBain: Killer's Wedge. An 87th Precinct Novel. Allison & Busby, ISBN: 074908023X (December, 2007), 233 p., £6.99.







Killer's Wedge

Ed McBain: Killer's Wedge (UK 2000)

From the Publisher:
Virginia Dodge is determined to put a bullet through Steve Carella's brain -- and she doesn't care if she has to kill all of the boys in the 87th Precinct in the process...

Armed with a gun and a bottle of nitro-glycerine she spends an afternoon terrorising Lieutenant Byrnes and his men with her clever little home-made bomb. Is there nothing the boys at the 87th can do to save Carella or will this crazy broad achieve her goal?

"Familiarity with the cops of 87th Precinct breeds something like devotion: the more we know about them, the more we want to know. Their puzzles are our nightmares." Newsweek

Ed McBain: Killer's Wedge. Classic 87th Prcecinct. Allison & Busby, ISBN: 0749004568 (November, 2000), 160 p., £6.99.






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