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Robert B. Parker: All our Yesterdays

All our Yesterdays From the Publisher:
They were the Sheridan men, ruled by passion, betrayed by love, heirs to a legacy of violence and forbidden desire. Gus, Boston's top homicide cop: he knew equally well the backroom politics of City Hall and the private passions of the very rich, a man haunted by the wanton courage and perilous obsessions he inherited from his father... Conn, the patriarch, a lawless cop who spawned a circle of vengeance and betrayal that would span half a century... and Chris, Gus's beloved son, a Harvard lawyer and criminologist, fated to risk everything to break the chain of obsession and rage... Three generations linked by crime and punishment - cops and heroes, fathers, sons, and lovers united at last by revelations that could bring a family to its knees...

Robert B. Parker: All our Yesterdays. Dell, ISBN: 0440221463 (Januar, 1996), $7.99



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