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Bill Pronzini und Jeffrey M. Wallmann: The Pawns of Death

The Pawns of Death From the Publisher:
"Checkmate!" That was the last word uttered to Charlie Chan and Prefect of Police Claude DeBevre by a dying reporter. The man had been murdered... stabbed to death and left to die in a vacant hotel room. It is the second murder in 24 hours at the Transcontinental Chess Tournament, and Charlie Chan has been summoned from a peaceful and long-deserved vacation to help solve the crime before international scandal ruins the tournament's good name!

Originally published in Charlie Chan's Mystery Magazine in 1974, this is the first book appearance of The Pawns of Death.

Bill Pronzini und Jeffrey M. Wallmann: The Pawns of Death. Wildside Press, ISBN: 1592240100 (August, 2003), 108 p., $12.99.



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