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Phoebe Atwood Taylor: The Cape Cod Mystery

The Cape Cod Mystery From the Publisher:
In his lifetime, Asey Mayo solved more than twenty-five baffling cases of murder on the Cape. This was the very first of them. The bestselling writer, Dale Sanborn, had come to Cape Cod with all the others to flee the heat. But that was the last thing he ever did. The night he was killed he had a lot of visitors for a man who was intensely disliked. All could have had a motive for murder. When Bill Porter, Asey's best friend, wound up in the pillory as chief suspect, Asey knew he had to do something. But he only had one clue to go on: a sardine can. And only one weekend to clear it all up.

Phoebe Atwood Taylor: The Cape Cod Mystery. An Asey Mayo Mystery. Countryman Press, ISBN: 0881500461 (May, 1985), 190 p., $10.95



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