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M. J. Trow: Maxwell's Movie

Maxwell's Movie From the Publisher
The school trip to the Museum of the Moving Image had been Peter Maxwell's idea. But as a result of a vicious bout of flu, Maxwell was forced to stay behind. And so it was that fifty chattering and excited pupils set off with only Maxwell's ineffectual Deputy and the inexperienced NQT Alice Goode to keep control. Not everyone was destined to return from the happy outing.

For in the darkened cinema complex of MOMI two members of the party disappear without trace. As the organiser of the trip, Maxwell feels personally responsible for the fate of the missing pair and sets out to discover what happened to Alice Goode and sixth-form pupil Ronnie Parsons.

M. J. Trow: Maxwell's Movie. New English Library, ISBN: 0340707550 (August, 1998), 256 p., £5.99


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