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The Enemies of the State

M. J. Trow: The Enemies of the State (UK 2010)

From the Publisher:
On 1 May 1820, outside Newgate Prison, in front of a dense crowd, five of the Cato Street conspirators - Arthur Thistlewood, William Davidson, James Ings, Richard Tidd and John Brunt - were hanged for high treason. Then they were decapitated in the last brutal act of a murderous conspiracy that aimed to assassinate Prime Minister Lord Liverpool and his cabinet and destroy his government. The Cato Street conspirators matched the Gunpowder plotters in their daring - and in their fate - but their dark, radical intrigue hasn’t received the attention it deserves. M.J. Trow, in this gripping fast-moving account of this notorious but neglected episode in British history, reconstructs the case in vivid detail and sets it in the wider context of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.

M. J. Trow: The Enemies of the State. The Cato Street Conspiracy. Conspiracy and Treason in Regency England. Pen and Sword Books, ISBN: 9781844159642 (April, 2010), 208 p., £19.99.






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