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Donald E. Westlake: The Hot Rock

The Hot Rock From the Publisher:
John Dortmunder left prison with the warm words of the warden ringing in his ears and not one chance of going straight. Soon Dortmunder was riding in a stolen Cadillac with venetian blinds, reuniting with old friends and scheming to heist a large emerald belonging to a small African nation. As always, his planning is meticulous. As always, the execution is not. Undaunted, Dortmunder is now chasing the gem by plane, train, and automobile. Because this hot rock has a way of getting stolen - not just once, but again and again and again...

Donald E. Westlake: The Hot Rock. The First Dortmunder Novel. Mysterious Press, ISBN: 0446677035 (April, 2001), 288 p., $12.95



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