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Don't Ask

Donad E. Westlake: Don't Ask (1994)

From the Publisher:
Bone of contention...
It's not just any bone, It's a femur. An 800-year-old femur. An 800-year-old femur of a 16-year-old girl who just happened to have been killed and eaten by her own family. Then the Church made her a Saint. Then John Dortmunder stole the bone. Twice. Don't ask why two European nations have been fighting like dogs over this bone. Don't ask how Dortmunder's gang of honorable crooks, from master driver Stan Murch to man-mountain Tiny Bulcher, got caught red-handed with the bone and were plunged into the middle of an international incident. Don't ask, because you don't need to.

John Dortmunder has all the answers, and this time he's about to parlay a very old femur into an act of beautiful, larcenous revenge - one that will cut right to the bone...

Donad E. Westlake: Don't Ask. Warner Books, ISBN: 0446400955 (July, 1994), 352 p., $7.50






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