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Janwillem van de Wetering: The Empty Mirror

The Empty Mirror Content:
The gate of the monastery, a chicken, and a vendor of noodles; Meditating hurts; Life is suffering; Caught between the tigers; A large glass of soya sauce and a dangerous snake; A thirsty fish; A difference of rank and a pigeon's egg; The first sesshin and the whale's penis; A little black magic Rohatsu, week of weeks; The eightfold path and a jump into the swamp; A shameless day and satori in the willow quarter; Devils are no good, you know that, don't you?; If you don't hold out your hand a Zen master will be murdered; A court lady discourteously treated; Attempted manslaughter and doing some shopping; Is a cloud a member of the sky?; Whatever ends begins

Janwillem van de Wetering: The Empty Mirror. Experiences in a Japanese Zen Monastery. St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 0312207743 (April, 1999), 160 p., $12.95



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