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Steven Womack: Torch Town Boogie

Torch Town Boogie From the Publisher:
In book two of the P.I. Harry James Denton series, Harry finds his next case across the street, when a magnificent mansion in the funky part of town is torched. The blaze has all the earmarks of a local firebug, but this time someone is murdered. The bludgeoned and left-to-burn victim was a well-known psychotherapist... and the man that Harry's ex-wife, Lanie, was about to marry. Thanks to the doctor's will, which leaves a chunk of money to his fiancee, the cops think Lanie is the killer. It's up to Harry to match wits with the match-flicking maniac before his ex goes up the river... and more lives go up in flame...

Steven Womack: Torch Town Boogie. Ballantine Books, ISBN: 034538010X (November, 1993), 288 p., $6.50


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